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Old 03-18-2019, 07:10 PM
Captain Jim Captain Jim is offline
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It's here! I picked it up after guitar lessons. I'll have some photos when I get a chance this evening, but it pretty much looks just like Scott's. My first impression is a bit different: that neck is wide and flat! It sounds good through headphones, but I haven't had a chance to try it through an amp, yet.

The nylon strings are different for this old dog, and it is going to take more than a couple days with it to get comfortable... I think I am over-gripping and over-picking.

Our daughter and son-in-law came over after school, so I didn't have much time for further exploration. More to come.
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Old 03-18-2019, 07:53 PM
Methos1979 Methos1979 is offline
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Originally Posted by Captain Jim View Post
My first impression is a bit different: that neck is wide and flat!

The nylon strings are different for this old dog, and it is going to take more than a couple days with it to get comfortable... I think I am over-gripping and over-picking.
Yes, definitely wide and flat but I found myself acclimating to that quite easily. Easier than the reduced tension! Looking forward to your full review!
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Old 03-18-2019, 08:15 PM
kramster kramster is offline
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Originally Posted by Methos1979 View Post
Oh, I can't pry yours out of kramster's grubby paws!
I mind my own grubby business and this happens...sigh
Emerald: X-20, Center hole X-10 (Maple) and X-7 (redwood), Spalted Chen Chen X 10 level 3,
CA: Early OX and Cargo
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Old 03-18-2019, 09:13 PM
Captain Jim Captain Jim is offline
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New Silent Guitar Day...

Timing was such that it was a couple hours with it before I got to spend some concentrated time. I like the tone options, but that neck is very different for me. I liked the steel string version I played last week, but I don't need another steel string guitar. Not sure I need a nylon string guitar, but I have been curious about them. This guitar will take care of that curiosity, but there is no way it will be favored over my steel string instruments, and especially the Emeralds.

Here's a link to my NSGD post...

For those who don't want to go there, the highlights:

Not much of a concern, since it is in the 80s here, and the guitar spent time in a hot truck before getting to me, then outside on the front entry to our daughter's house while I was giving guitar lessons at their school.

The case looks like it should hold a fly fishing rod...

And, the first look at it, assembled...

I think it is kinda cool looking. And, it is reasonably ergonomic: there is a cut-away on that top curvy part, where it fits against your chest. I do like the tones available with the electronics built into the SLG. I miss the sustain and punch I get with my steel string acoustics. I'm looking forward to getting home and trying some recording with this guitar.

Sitting outside with it, plugged into the headphones; putting it through its paces...

One thing immediately obvious: the strings needed to be retuned moving from inside to out - yeah, that's different from the carbon fiber I'm used to. They went sharp when moved inside, and then flat when going outside. I'm expecting that it will take a while for the strings to settle in... a couple hours of playing, and I have had to tweak the tuning a half dozen times or so.

Ah, the perspective after playing just carbon fiber for the last few years.
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Old 03-19-2019, 10:06 AM
Guest 928
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Nice reporting. I'm not fond of the traditional, flat, super wide fret board. I'd like the Yamaha better if it had some radius and a 1 7/8" nut.
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Old 03-19-2019, 10:43 AM
Captain Jim Captain Jim is offline
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Originally Posted by EvanB View Post

Nice reporting. I'm not fond of the traditional, flat, super wide fret board. I'd like the Yamaha better if it had some radius and a 1 7/8" nut.
Me, too.

We like what we like... and in the guitar world, also what fits us. And for the record, it was your regular promotion of nylon string guitars that caused me to even consider this alternative. I will stick with it, but as an addition to, not in place of, steel strings.
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Old 03-19-2019, 11:19 AM
GuitarLuva GuitarLuva is offline
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Thanks for the report Cap. I agree with ya on the nut width and flat fretboard. Hard for steel stringers to easily adapt going back and forth. I'm glad I didn't rush in yet myself. I think "crossovers" will be a better fit for me personally and I'm still researching the topic. I have no doubt of the tones and capabilities of the Yamaha but playing comfort is high importance as well.
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Old 03-19-2019, 12:09 PM
Guest 928
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Oh Captain my Captain;

When you start using nylon in your love songs to your sweetie she'll melt. Those warm, sensual tones mingling with your dulcet voice will turn you into a hard nylon fan. Enjoy.
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Old 03-19-2019, 01:36 PM
Captain Jim Captain Jim is offline
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Just some "wonderings": the steel string version of the SLG200 has a 1 11/16ths" nut width and a radius to the fretboard. I'm guessing that the 1 11/16 would be way too narrow for the nylon strings... but, I wonder if the pickups for the steel and nylon versions are the same? If that were the case, you could use the nylon strings that have a ball at the end to try it out. It isn't like there is going to be any pressure on "the body" of the guitar.

I spent an hour or so with the SLG this morning - it was less of a shock to my fingers. Yesterday, I had just come from the guitar class where I was using the X10 with its 1 11/16" nut width. Quite a change to go from one to the other.

When I was done playing, once again, the muscles in my hand and forearm felt it. It's been a long time since I had to "suffer for my art."

I didn't even use the headphones this morning. Yep, this thing is pretty darn quiet. Rufus was confused - during my morning guitar time, he gets brushed (yes, he likes it... to a point). He got brushed, but seemed to be saying, "Turn up the music."

Tuning before and during the session. What's up with that?

I still need to try it with the Bose S1. And the Spire Studio.

All this "easier on the fingers than steel strings" stuff I heard... I can play for hours with the steel strings. The pressure feels different, but not necessarily easier. Of course, it may be that I am doing it wrong. Sometimes it is OK to change up the routine.
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Old 03-19-2019, 02:36 PM
Methos1979 Methos1979 is offline
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Originally Posted by Captain Jim View Post
Tuning before and during the session. What's up with that?

I still need to try it with the Bose S1. And the Spire Studio.

All this "easier on the fingers than steel strings" stuff I heard... I can play for hours with the steel strings. The pressure feels different, but not necessarily easier. Of course, it may be that I am doing it wrong. Sometimes it is OK to change up the routine.
I've noticed the need to tune more between capo changes but part of that is likely that I'm using a PW NS capo steel string model so between the radius and side lever action (vs. yoke type) is probably the case although I do wonder if 'strumming' the nylon strings will not cause them to need more frequent tuning. I've got a PW NS classical capo due in tomorrow. I'm holding off on buying a Shubb FineTune yoke classical until I'm sure this is going to take.

As for 'easier on the fingers', I think the biggest level of comfort comes from the need to not press down as hard as steel strings due to less tension. I notice that if I press hard then my fingertips get just as sore but then I realize I'm pushing down way harder than I need to with these strings.

I played again today for two hours going through my set list and I continue to love it. I thought about picking up the steel string model just to A/B them but I'm thinking that the 1 11/16" nut width might be too tight for me. Even with my steel strings I prefer at least a 1 3/4". So rather than throw something counter into the mix I think I'm going to just concentrate on this one for now to see if it can be used as a primary gigging guitar.

I played through the Bose S1 via the Boss VE-8 again but this time also added in the Headway EDM-1 and the Boss WL-20 wireless. I loved having the freedom of movement and also having the powerful little Headway preamp on my mic stand right in front of me to play around with on-the-fly tweaks. Sounded great.

I've decided to throw my X20 up in the classifieds to see if anyone has a trade for an Emerald nylon of similar value while I wait to hear back from Emerald on a custom build. Who knows? Maybe someone is sitting on a nylon Emerald that wants to try a steel string version. Can't hurt, right?
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Old 03-20-2019, 02:28 PM
GuitarLuva GuitarLuva is offline
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Apparently it takes a lot longer for nylon strings to fully settle in before you don't need to tune them frequently. It can even take several weeks depending on the string in question. This is what I read so take it with a grain of salt as I personally have no experience with nylon guitars........yet!
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Old 03-20-2019, 03:27 PM
Guest 928
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Yes, nylons require a bit of foreplay adjustment. The normal tension strings seem to take longer to stay tuned. The high tension strings seem to tune faster and stay that way longer.

I have never owned a nylon string guitar that did not need some string-tweaking from one day to the next. But we're not talking a lot of time to get things on the money (after the first tuning).
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Old 03-20-2019, 03:44 PM
Captain Jim Captain Jim is offline
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Originally Posted by GuitarLuva View Post
Apparently it takes a lot longer for nylon strings to fully settle in before you don't need to tune them frequently. It can even take several weeks depending on the string in question. This is what I read so take it with a grain of salt as I personally have no experience with nylon guitars........yet!
Well, my "nylon experience" isn't much, yet, but I did some recording today with the SLG. Nothing on its own, but I put down another track on a recording I did over the weekend with a friend (on keyboard). Mostly, I just wanted to hear how it sounded through the Grace Design preamp in the Spire Studio... good, btw.

The tuning was just a touch off at the start of the session today. The onboard tuner seems right on. After using it for an hour or so, only one string was a tiny bit off. It seems to be settling in. And no muscle ache when I was done; although for full disclosure, it wasn't a solid hour of playing - there was plenty of using the Spire and listening.

So, three days in... it is still an interesting diversion, but it will not be replacing the Emeralds. Also doesn't "sell me" enough on nylon that I would be ordering anything more expensive. Maybe I need to get... umm... more mature, like my buddy Evan?
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Old 03-20-2019, 04:44 PM
Methos1979 Methos1979 is offline
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Played another 2 hours today with much the same results. I ran the SLG through the Headway and into the VE-8 again and love that tone. String drift was relatively minor and mostly from capo moving. I got the classical capo in this afternoon so it will be interesting to see how that performs.

Like the Captain, I like the SLG, probably a little more than he does as I don't find I'm having an issue with fretboard width and flatness. I do agree that the SLG itself won't be replacing an Emerald purse however but unlike him I have found myself much enamored of the nylon feel and tone and therefore have begun initial inquiries with our good friends across the pond on a possible custom build this time in nylon.

Still very early in the process but leaning towards an X10 slim body (like Evan had done) woody with custom short scale, 1 7/8" width likely with a paddle headstock to save some money. The biggest decision will be the pickup system. I like the Level One system Evan had in his (just volume and tone knobs) but I'm also liking the idea of a barn door (gasp!) system that allows me some on-the-fly tone shaping.

Another possibility is to just go Level One on the X10 and then send the X7 back to have an Anthem StagePro retrofit into that as I continue to struggle with the K&K. In my case the X10 custom would be a replacement for the X20 custom I currently have as I just really love the X7 size. So that would be my travel/fun guitar and the X10 my gig guitar with the SLG as a backup.

Once more into the fire.
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Old 03-20-2019, 05:10 PM
kramster kramster is offline
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Originally Posted by Methos1979 View Post

Once more into the fire.
Should not be played with.
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