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Old 06-07-2019, 02:08 PM
Methos1979 Methos1979 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Seacoast, NH
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Timely question. We've been actively playing out about a year and a half now. We started with a Facebook page. Then we added a Facebook Group page. What's the difference? A Facebook page is geared toward the business side of things. It's good for creating 'Events' that allow you to track how many are 'Interested' or 'Going' but the downside is that they constantly try to upsell you by charging you to boost your events. So that's when we added the Facebook Group page. Anyone you convince to Like either page will automatically get alerts whenever you post something. And you can put up photos and videos. I'm not a big fan of Facebook but it's free and easy and many people are on it.

We recorded videos and posted them on YouTube and also sound clips and posted them on SoundCloud. Both are free and fairly easy. It's easy to email or PM direct links to clips.

A few months back we decided to do our own web page. We bought our domain name and joined a service. We pay $5 a month for their very basic package. I created a pretty basic (I thought) web page that was okay for a first attempt but in the end it was pretty gaudy. We used photos we took ourselves that others took of us and then embedded YouTube videos and SoundCloud clips. It was nice but it wasn't very professional.

We decided to up our game a bit so we just had a professional photo shoot of us and I totally revamped the website, taking down the multiple pages and went with a very simple single page with the bare essentials on it. For sound demo I created a YouTube slideshow video with photos of us playing in different locations and took 30 second clips from 12 songs to run underneath the slideshow. This is the modern day equivalent of the 'demo tape' from the '70s.

Next up we're shooting a semi-pro video session tomorrow and having the guy create a similar demo video with 30-second video clips which we'll also embed in the website. For now we have a full song video in its place.

You can check out the new page in the link below in my sig line.
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