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Old 11-19-2016, 07:34 PM
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invguy921 invguy921 is offline
Lovin' nice guitars...
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: S. Central Missouri
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Originally Posted by nacluth View Post
Hey Woody, are we going to see you at Memphis again? I hope so.

A standard OM depth is 4 1/8" - that gives it a lot of punch to help cut through the "orchestra." Our deep body adds 1/2" for a total depth of 4 5/8" - essentially dreadnought depth. We feel this adds quite a bit of bass response as well as a little warmth. It has been the most popular model we build for the last 5 years or so. It can do it all and sound good doing it.
Ryan, I already have tickets to the Tommy E concert . I plan to be in Memphis earlier than last time and stay longer . Looking for someone to come and hang out with, and if I don't find anyone I'll be hangin' out with you guys if you'll have me

Looking forward to seeing you again. You have been quite a blessing to me, I value your friendship.
"A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold."

Woody (aka: Mike)

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