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Old 11-21-2013, 12:44 AM
Halcyon/Tinker Halcyon/Tinker is offline
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Yup that's me.

Blaren, though I was that guy for around a... Yikes, decade? Ouch! Maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less, I haven't really been the production manager for round about a yearish or so. Been there so long it's hard to calendarize anymore. Lately there's been a new fella taking on the reigns of that task (and doing a bang up job too!) while I've been doing more of a technical QC role.

Just to be factual....
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Old 11-21-2013, 01:07 AM
blaren blaren is offline
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Yeah that...Bond..ED Bond.
I have only ever played a couple of Larrivees, and they happened to be made at the Vancouver factory (02 series) and I think I can recognize some Larry DNA in my Halcyons.

I'm also no Godin expert.
Yes I have never seen (? bananas?) a Godin acoustic. Semi acoustic, archtop..yes but..
I think Simon and Patrick are his kids or something? And Art? Not Norman though. La Patrie?? That's the Quebec town where the Godin acoustics are made...I think. There are also "La Patrie" brand acoustics floating around. I don't know if they are connected to Mister Godin or his kids.

Don't take ANY of that to the bank. NONE of it.

You CAN though take to the bank and cash, deposit, withdraw..whatever, that the Seagull and S&Ps are great guitars...up to around $750. At around $300 it'll be difficult to find a better deal than a Seagull S6.
But then again, those Larrivee 02 series I tried were listed at under $800 and I'd take one of those over a Seagull.
The PRS SE Angelus are under $800 too.

So, there is definite competition for the Seagulls and S&Ps at the under $800 range. I'd take a Larry or a PRS but that's just me.

The Halcyons though are in a different league altogether than anything at or around $1000 and up to ...well more than a grand let's put it that way. TO ME!!

Hey, if Mister Godin or Larrivee or Smith would be willing to make a CUSTOM guitar FOR ME...and with MY INPUT for under a grand then maybe Halcyon would have some competition. Until that day though....

Hope that helps. Probably not. It's all subjective and I'm a little biased.
I don't own a Larrivee, a Godin etc, or a PRS acoustic. I do own a couple of Halcyons.
However, I do own a ~$3K Stonebridge that is a deadly guitar.
Wanna buy it? ;-)
GONE!! 2006 Stonebridge G24SR Sitka/EIR Cutaway JJB SBT
2012 Halcyon AJ Adi/EIR 25" scale Fishman Infinity
2012 Halcyon OOO Lutz/Quilted SA Hog 12fret 25"scale JJB SBT
2019 Halcyon SJ Cutaway Lutz/Flame walnut JJB SBT
Several PRS electric guitars and good old tube amps.
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Old 11-21-2013, 05:40 AM
billder99 billder99 is offline
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Love your cover, great demonstration of the this nice Halcyon guitar, but an even better demo of your voice... very controlled. Great job.

The Tree: I was alive in the forest, I was cut by the cruel axe. In life I was silent, In death I sweetly sing.

Now back living in Baja Sur where I started my carbon fiber journey... Bend OR was too cold!
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Old 11-21-2013, 09:11 AM
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All this halcyon chat has piqued my interest!
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Old 11-21-2013, 09:41 AM
kyop1975 kyop1975 is offline
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Originally Posted by limache View Post
Okay thanks kyop. Just curious, how does a Halycon compare to just normal Canadian manufacturers like Godin in the same price range? Just trying to learn what the hype about custom guitars is.
limache....based on my experience with the S&P, I would second Blaren's response posted on page 2 of this thread.

Originally Posted by billder99 View Post

Love your cover, great demonstration of the this nice Halcyon guitar, but an even better demo of your voice... very controlled. Great job.

Thank you Billder99!!

Originally Posted by matthewpartrick View Post
All this halcyon chat has piqued my interest!
I will sum up my thoughts about my Halcyon like this:
I read a piece not long ago (not sure where I read this) about someone picking up a Santa Cruz guitar in a guitar shop many years ago, and said something to the effect of "it was like picking up a light bag of potato chips, but the sound explodes out of it"...that's what comes to mind when picking up my Halcyon.

Can't compare it to a SC thought....never put my hands on one.

Pax Christi,
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