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Old 11-29-2018, 10:55 AM
dean18 dean18 is offline
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Default Prelude #1 Villa-Lobos
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Old 11-29-2018, 02:24 PM
Kenny B Kenny B is offline
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Very nice indeed!
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Old 11-29-2018, 05:37 PM
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Very nicely played. That tune takes me back about forty years.
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Old 11-30-2018, 02:07 PM
Gitfiddlemann Gitfiddlemann is offline
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Very nice.
From watching your videos I know that you are a very accomplished player, and that I personally would have a lot of trouble racing you across the fretboard!
I know this piece very well, and it was taught to me by a pro many years ago. If you don’t mind I would like to offer the following constructive comments:
In the first part, I would slow the tempo down just a bit and even it out some, to really allow the rhythm section in the trebles to establish itself more, because it solidly anchors the entire melody that is played in the bass. It makes a big difference when that rhythm section comes through very clearly the way it should.
The “più mosso” section is the part you play the best imo, and it’s technically the hardest. But it almost comes off as slower in parts than the first section, when it should be the opposite. So, if you slow the first part down a tad, that will also naturally allow that middle section to sound as intended. (just a suggestion).
Lastly, I’m not sure that the alternation you play in the very last chord is correct. It should just be adding the C# note to the E major chord.
It looks (and sounds) like you’re also adding a G natural (i.e. G#-B-E to G-C#-E), whereas it should just be G#-B-E to G#-C#-E.

(I believe there is a mistake In the original score, edition Eschig, in those last measures. Maybe that’s where you got it? The two measures before the very last one should really be played as just one measure in 6/4 or 12/8 time. That's the feel anyway and should have been notated accordingly imo. They shouldn't have split those up.)

Finally, you tackle (and pull off) a lot of difficult material in all your videos, so please keep them coming. It’s impressive, and inspiring!
Best regards,

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Old 11-30-2018, 03:50 PM
dean18 dean18 is offline
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You're absolutely right, I do play a wrong note at the end. I think it must have crept into my playing at some point without me being aware of it. I have another version I did a couple of years ago with a slower first section. I like it better the way I play it now but it is just personal preference I think.
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5 preludes, dean zimmerman, prelude 1, villa-lobos

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