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Old 06-17-2022, 05:55 PM
takatsukimike takatsukimike is offline
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Default Yamaha SRT2 pickup system - question

Hi all.

I recently played (unplugged) a Yamaha AC3 in Rosewood and was pretty impressed by the tone particularly at that price point.

One thing that appealed to me was that the preamp had a "mic blend" (or similar) knob, in what I thought was a dual-source pickup. I was looking on the Yamaha site, and it says there are two different mic models, and they aren't the type of microphones you'd stick inside an acoustic guitar.

Does that mean they are taking a mic signal and modelling it to try and replicate those particular mics? Or are they just using the piezo and processing that? Now I'm not sure if the pickup is actually dual source.

Can someone who perhaps owns a guitar with SRT2 system or is otherwise knowledgeable about this please advise me?
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Old 06-17-2022, 07:21 PM
YamahaGuy YamahaGuy is offline
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Originally Posted by takatsukimike View Post
Hi all.

I recently played (unplugged) a Yamaha AC3 in Rosewood and was pretty impressed by the tone particularly at that price point.

One thing that appealed to me was that the preamp had a "mic blend" (or similar) knob, in what I thought was a dual-source pickup. I was looking on the Yamaha site, and it says there are two different mic models, and they aren't the type of microphones you'd stick inside an acoustic guitar.

Does that mean they are taking a mic signal and modelling it to try and replicate those particular mics? Or are they just using the piezo and processing that? Now I'm not sure if the pickup is actually dual source.

Can someone who perhaps owns a guitar with SRT2 system or is otherwise knowledgeable about this please advise me?
Your model had a ribbon mic model and a large diaphragm condenser mic model.

There is not an actual mic inside the guitar. I believe they call it impulse response technology--other brands.

The guitar "sounds" like it's mic'd when you blend in the SRT.

I much prefer the small diaphragm condenser mic model in the mahogany models.

My A4K sounds super authentic when plugged in with the modeling dialed up. I'd swear there's a mic on there but there's not.
As my username suggests, huge fan of Yamaha products. Own many acoustic-electric models from 2009-present and a couple electric. Lots of PA too.

Last edited by YamahaGuy; 06-17-2022 at 07:29 PM.
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pickup, preamp, question, yamaha

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