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Old 09-05-2018, 04:44 AM
grosskate grosskate is offline
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Default Controling overtones in a build

Hello Luthiers,

I have few questions for you regarding overtones.

Material/wood used to create guitars are sometimes more prone to overtone content (ex Mahogany vs Rosewood). But Material used aside :

1) What is causing those overtones aside from the wood used themselves ?
2) Can you control the overtone content of the guitars you make ?
3) Do you have methods to increase or keep at bay overtone content when you make an instrument ? Active or passive back ? Top bracing ?
4) If yes (3), will this influence other factors as well like : power, projection, sustain ?
5) How effective can this control be. Can you from the same marterial used go from almost NO overtones to a LOT of them?

Very curious. Thanks a lot for your time and explanations

Avalon Custom Auditorium Fan Fret Sinker Redwood/Ziricote
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K-Country 1975 - Sitka/Mahogany
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  The Acoustic Guitar Forum > General Acoustic Guitar and Amplification Discussion > Build and Repair

build, luthier, overtones, question

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