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Old 06-05-2017, 08:28 PM
adaw2821 adaw2821 is offline
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Default Acoustic guitar cab?

So I've been dabbling in electric guitar a little bit and saving up for a good amp purchase. But in the meantime, I've read a little bit about guys running stereo rigs with electric guitars and the benefits are obvious.

So then I had this idea. Why not do the same thing with an acoustic guitar? I already have an acoustic amp (Roland AC33) that handles stereo in and out. So I think then all I need is a speaker or two (not sure if I can use the amp speaker and one line out at once.) But a quick google search for acoustic guitar cabinets or speakers yielded nothing. All I can find are amps. Is there such a thing as an acoustic guitar cab? or is a second amp the only option? Also I should mention this is pretty much just for home enjoyment, not gigging or anything. If I get real carried away I might try it at church were I play often.
Yamaha A3R
Epiphone Masterbilt DR-500MCE

Warmoth Tele

Blues Jr.
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Old 06-05-2017, 09:56 PM
dannyg1 dannyg1 is offline
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Fender Ultralight (in both Jazzmaster and acoustic versions), Acoustic Image makes many, SWR for the strawberry blonde, Genz Benz compak and countless full range, passive PA speakers are all acoustic cabs.
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  The Acoustic Guitar Forum > General Acoustic Guitar and Amplification Discussion > Acoustic Amplification

acoustic guitar cab, speaker, stereo

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