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Old 12-19-2015, 05:01 PM
asbjoern asbjoern is offline
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Default Build of my dreams

Hello out there.

Im about to start the build of my dreams, and i need your help to do it. First I have a couple of questions.

I plan to build an arm bevel. Is an arm bevel a random piece of wood with veneer on the outside or is it the special wood hole though.

I need a plan for building my guitar, but i live in europe. Is there anywhere where I can buy a steel string acoustic guitar plan in Europe.

Rosette and inlay
I really want a nice rosette and a nice inlay on the fretboard. I really like the fretboard inlay on tailors loa with cutaway, but please send my pictures of your favourite rosettes and inlays.
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Old 12-19-2015, 05:46 PM
Wade Hampton Wade Hampton is online now
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Asbjoern, I'm neither a builder nor a repairman. But here are a few websites you might find useful.

First is, written and maintained by Frank Ford:

Scroll down the page and you'll find a list of articles you should read. Frank is a repairman rather than a builder, but you will learn an immense amount about the craft.

It's like a graduate seminar on the subject, and it's all time-tested.

Seriously, take at least a couple of weeks to go through and read those articles, longer if your English language skills make it hard work. (From your name I presume you're Norwegian.)

Then there are two businesses that specialize in luthier's tools and supplies, the first being Luthiers Mercantile International:

the second being Stewart-MacDonald:

Both of these companies will gladly sell you all sorts of lessons and tutorials.

But Frank Ford's is free, so start with that.

There's also a "Custom Shop" subforum on this website here:

There's a higher percentage of builders who participate on that subforum, so you'll probably get any technical questions answered more quickly over there.

Hope this helps.

Wade Hampton Miller
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Old 12-19-2015, 08:02 PM
printer2 printer2 is offline
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Originally Posted by Wade Hampton View Post

There's also a "Custom Shop" subforum on this website here:
I think Build and Repair might be more appropriate.

You do not say which size of guitar you want to build. Here are some free ones you can get printed out.

You might have some luck if you ask people to post the rosette images in this thread.
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Old 12-19-2015, 08:19 PM
Wade Hampton Wade Hampton is online now
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After I suggested that Asbjeoern look in and post in the Custom Shop subforum, Printer wrote:

Originally Posted by printer2 View Post
I think Build and Repair might be more appropriate
Ah, good point. That one slipped my mind. That's also a good place for this sort of query.

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  The Acoustic Guitar Forum > General Acoustic Guitar and Amplification Discussion > General Acoustic Guitar Discussion

arm bevel, build, inlay, question, rosette

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