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Old 03-30-2011, 01:17 PM
knuckle knuckle is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: MA
Posts: 2,169

Yep, I agree about the truth comment. When I got off my couch, my goal was to play music in front of people. Recording was never even a question in my mind. In fact the software aspect of it scares me. I'm an Oracle DBA and all I do is hack stuff all day long.

I know that recording and the computer is going to be the same thing. Just push this button, pull that knob, find this menu, convert this, do that. Just the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach

If I only knew someone that knew what the hell they were doing that could just show me how to use all that stuff so I wouldn't have to sit there for months and months. Oh well, I'm going to have to learn it eventually.
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