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Old 11-19-2019, 05:01 PM
AmericanEagle AmericanEagle is offline
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Originally Posted by Neil K Walk View Post
Well, if you got the child and the house then I see things going your way in front of the judge. Usually the husband gets screwed but your wife shot herself in the foot by walking out the door and making the situation unstable. Hit her for alimony and child support.

BTW, how's your son's college savings? Is it in a trust or something? I'd hate to see it evaporate because of this ugliness. Also, how's his relationship with his mother after all of this? He's probably taking this just as hard as you are - if not more.

The present sucks but keep your eyes on the future. Focus on others who are still under your roof. Don't try to be your son's best friend - and certainly don't moan about this to him and make him into a pawn in all of this - but try to do things with him, even if it's going to the gym or to a movie or whatever. I know money is tight but it's not like you're going out on dates.
My sons college savings is quickly disappearing,
He told me he doesn’t want to go to college anyway.
I can’t do things with him , he never wants to.
He’s addicted to his girlfriend and spends all his free time with her.
Also, he hates his mother.
Be nice.
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