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Old 11-15-2018, 06:41 PM
Rudy4 Rudy4 is online now
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The latest research bears out that tinnitus has little or no bearing on the condition of the hearing mechanism within the ear. That used to be the commonly held belief, but research found that the origin is actually on the neural level within the brain.

The most often sited research shows that people who have had extreme levels of destruction of the ear components, up to and including removal, still have the same levels of tinnitus. There's a lot of research that bears this out, including brain activity studies.

It is also widely accepted within the community of folks who study tinnitus and other related issue that although it can be triggered from excessively high levels or lengthy exposure that it can be as much hereditary as any other cause.

There are a lot of internet sites that have research available, but there is not any cure, or even effective treatment at this time. Disregard the claims made by infomercials and drug / vitamin pushers.
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