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Old 06-17-2014, 05:37 PM
permarklund permarklund is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 12

Thanks everyone for the kind words, I really appreciate it!

I built my first 8 instruments more or less one at a time and I don't feel that I "lose touch" with the individual instruments at all. After working with them so much I learn everything about them so it's no problem

Got some celluloid for pickguards today. I had to order it from China since Axiom woulnät ship to Sweden. The pattern is really good, color is a little on the red side. Would like to find some material that is browner/darker to have some options. Any ideas?

I had some problems with the sides on Brads D45, they cupped/rippled. Every once in a while you get some sides that are really stubborn! I think I'm going to bend them straight and use them for peghead veneers instead. However, bent the new sides today, glued the blocks, profiled the sides and glued kerfed lining. The box will be closed shortly!

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