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Old 06-12-2019, 06:43 PM
Guest 928
Posts: n/a


Lo Siento! I've been here and done this--it is unsettling. But it's become a normal for me and so I find entertainment in taunting others facing the shipping uncertainty.

Perhaps my current situation will give you some solace. I have an order in with all the specifications and a veneer selected. I have no idea where the instrument is at in build, when a shipping date might be announced, or how long the shipping will take. You don't see me in a state of angst.

In part because I've gone well beyond Sake in my search for consolation. Also I'm old enough that I can manage to forget stuff, which is a true blessing because a lot of stuff just doesn't deserve remembrance.

See how much further ahead of me you are? Lucky guy, guitar made, guitar traveling--it doesn't get any better.

As an aside, waiting for a guitar reminds me of graffiti at a truck stop bathroom: "Just took 15 whites, and the truck won't start." That's pretty good stuff.
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