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Old 12-06-2018, 09:52 AM
stanron stanron is offline
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Originally Posted by interstellar View Post
Music Theory: Chord progressions and tension vs release
Learning more chords than the basic Major, minor, Maj7, Dom7 and understanding how they harmonize and work to create an atmosphere.
How songs are built and how good melodies are created.
Understanding advanced rhythmical patterns / Poly-rhythm
strumming techniques and percussive effects.
You can learn nearly all of this by listening, analising and experimenting.

What you wont get is the vocabulary of music theory.

What worries me about a post like this is that you appear to not have a personal view of what sounds good in a song. Or, if you do have such an idea you don't have the confidence to work with it.

Untrained songwriters in the past followed what they thought sonded 'good' or 'cool' in the music they heard about them. They started working with the sounds they heard, practiced doing that and got better.

Improving your knowlege of theory and structure and the rest won't help you do that. If you already write songs or tunes the next step would be to try them out on some kind of audience. If you are not already happy with the results I would suggest you change your method of writing, look for different sounds or subjects until you find something that excites you. That sense of excitement is important. I'm not sure how theoretical knowlege would help.
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