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Old 12-08-2017, 12:34 AM
Guest 1511
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Originally Posted by Mycroft View Post

So you are fine with paying those fees, so long as no one tells you that you are paying them.

Whatever gets you through the night, mate.
You are not understanding the true essence of what I am getting at. Think about it on a deeper level. There are fees involved for doing business with credit and with currency exchangers like PayPal, and those fees are understood to be the seller's responsibility as the price of doing business. It always feels like padding when the seller tries to push them to the buyer. If the seller includes the fees in the sale price then the seller can decide if THAT price is acceptable and what probably ends up happening even then is that the buyer senses the price has been slightly elevated and offers lower. In the end the seller typically ends up netting the same either way, so there's no reason to try breaking those fees out and complicating matters, and also turning away buyers like me. I'm not alone.

Have you ever sold a house? If you have then you know that you pay the agent(s) 6% (unless it's a condo or manufactured house where it can be closer to 10%). As a seller you do not get to pass that along to the buyer. You would never get away with settling on a price of 300k for the sale of the house and then say, oh BTW, I don't want to pay that 6% agent fee so you'll have to write me a check for $318k instead of 300k. Hopeless that analogy makes what I'm trying to say a bit clearer.
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