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Old 01-17-2012, 03:22 PM
RRuskin RRuskin is online now
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Originally Posted by Doug Young View Post
There's no reason MS micing should be any closer than, say, X/Y. That said, I tend to use it closer than Rick suggests myself - and 8 inches is about what I usually end up with as well. I usually center it inline with the soundhole, but raised around the top of the guitar so I'm not in front of the soundhole. But your result will probably vary with your acoustics. Rick probably has better luck with further out because he has better room acoustics to work with than most of us. If your acoustics allow, further out should sound more natural.

I try to stay out of the guitar's "nearfield" which is where proximity effect comes into play. A distance equal to body length is right on the edge of that point. All of this goes out the window during a multi-player session when the need for separation comes into play.
Rick Ruskin
Lion Dog Music - Seattle WA
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