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Old 11-24-2020, 04:19 PM
Nymuso Nymuso is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2017
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Default Tired of the Sidelines - Wading Back In

I've been retired a few years, playing gigs since. But there aren't many gigs right now, as we all know. When COVID hit I was sorry I had given up my CRNA and RN licenses, figuring by the time I got one back the need would have passed.

Guess not.

So today, prompted by a Health Dept. call for nurses to give shots and do testing, I figured I'd start the process to reactivate my RN in case something came down the pike in the future. When I went to the website I found my state is reactivating, on a temporary basis, any RN licenses that have been inactive for less than five years. Who knew? Within a couple of hours I was activated until the end of the year and I started the process to keep it going permanently afterward.

So, feeling a bit less useless.
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