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Old 02-09-2019, 05:36 AM
mot mot is offline
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Originally Posted by Res Ipsa View Post
“If you don't believe your eyes can change how you think you hear something, look up McGurk effect as something that can happen to you.“ -Mot

One of the things I love about this CF forum is embodied in this quote. The McGurk Effect is fascinating - hadn’t heard of it until now, and looked into it. No pun intended. I may never again say “I see what you’re saying” without wondering if what I’m “hearing” is in line with what I’m “seeing”. Cool stuff that McGurk. Thanks, Mot.

Not to be confused with hearsay.
Thank you for the callout.

Amongst some of the subjects I teach, such as experimental design and analyses, bias often (actually always) plays a role as an unwanted (and often significant) factor. Bias is insidious in that often the experimenter doesn't and may never realize they are sometimes affected or swayed inappropriately in how they view their outcomes.

Bias comes in many forms and any discussion involving a particular bias is often overly controversial, so I use the McGurk effect to illustrate to show even the most stubborn person who believes they have no bias that their senses may often lie to them.

Back to the Emeralds - there may be a difference but I didn't hear it with my eyes closed.

PS If you don't want to invest in yourself, why should anyone else even bother to try?
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