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Old 06-10-2019, 05:12 AM
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fazool fazool is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2012
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It's not a "German" thing (at all) as you say, more of a generational thing.

Retiree-age folks almost always seem to fish around in their purse or pocket to get exact change.

I pay with exact change every single time, right to the penny. I do it with a swipe of my bank card and I don't hold up the line for the rest of the people.

Having a massive collection of coins is, to me, a total nuisance. Go change them in. Roll them and deposit them at the bank.
Fazool "The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter"

Taylor GC7, GA3-12, SB2-C, SB2-Cp...... Ibanez AVC-11MHx , AC-240
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