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Old 12-02-2018, 11:33 AM
ssjk ssjk is offline
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Default After a couple of days - X20 and HD28 sounds

When I posted my NGD for my new X20 I said I would not post any sounds because I thought byudzai’s review of his X30 had that covered. Now that I’ve had the X20 for a couple of days and played it side by side with my HD28, I went back to his review.

I gotta tell you – it is dead on for a sound comparison – at least through my just-pretty-good stereo system. Even though his is an X30 and mine is an X20, the differences in sound I hear there between the Emerald and the Martin are exactly what I am hearing unamplified here.

It’s hard to describe, but to me:

The Emerald is a bit lusher when notes are played together - either strummed or fingerpicked. I was surprised as the Martin I have is the lushest guitar I have played. I experience that as the sounds of the strings blending together in a nice rich way. Byudzai described it elsewhere as a fat/thick sound. Yep.

The Martin sounded just slightly thinner by comparison at first. Listening a while longer, I conclude it is that I am hearing the individual string sounds just a bit more distinctly than on the Emerald. Still lush sounds together, but I hear them individually as well.

Some days you want fat/smooth. Some days you want lush but distinct. I’m lucky to have them both available.

So, if you are thinking about an Emerald and wonder how it compares to things you might know, I recommend again looking at Byudzai's review. What you hear is what you're gonna get.
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