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Old 06-23-2019, 08:43 AM
phavriluk phavriluk is online now
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CA, aka 'superglue' is indeed magical stuff. But it has no surface tension, wicks everywhere, and goes into places where it isn't needed, whether or not the person applying the stuff intended it to get there. I am hyperconservative when using the stuff, and putting it on a cracked bridge whose crack goes down to the unfinished wood on the top underneath the bridge, and the crack for sure goes through the height of the bridge top to bottom, so the glue is able to get to the soundboard...unknown and unpredictable results are on offer. I have no idea whether anything particularly bad results, but CA will make its way to the bridge/soundboard intersection, and I have no idea how much that will matter if the bridge comes to need replacing.

Just a thought from someone who's never dealt with a cracked bridge.
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