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Old 09-12-2016, 07:28 AM
Joseph Hanna Joseph Hanna is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Belmont Shore, CA
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It appears that you're making in general audio mistakes and then relying on software to correct them? A fundamental understanding of unity gain, the difference between input sensitivity, gain, bus levels, output and volume (and most importantly where to get volume) would help with your woes. Also a firm grasp of the dBfs meter and the difference between peak and RMS levels would help insure some consistency track to track and project to project.

Finally mastering is a skill not a preset. If output volume is what you're looking for Sonar has the tools to do that and you needn't buy more software. Mastering is above all reactionary. It is the act of interpreting specific problematic sonics and correcting them. Anything you may choose by way of a successful mastering pre-set would be serendipitous at best. As an audio person there really is no substitute for getting the basics of gain structure firmly under control.
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