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Old 09-30-2020, 10:44 AM
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I have theory that I've used to guide my life. I divided it into three parts. The first was confusion and uncertainty. Just getting through my youth was hard. I had very little control over it. The second third I settled down, found a path, got married, had kids and spent that third of my life buying a house, raising a family, getting my kids set up for success so that they would move out eventually and not move back in. And I put a lot of time and energy climbing the ladder with my career. Now I'm retired in that third and final part of my life, my reward for playing the game.

When I was young there were all these things I wanted to be, but instead I ended up being what I was. After retiring from a long and somewhat successful career with a darn good retirement plan I can go out now and be whatever I want to be and not worry about a thing. I write novels, I go out busking and hang out with my friends, I stay up late and get up when I feel like it. Buy stuff I couldn't afford when I had to feed, clothe and shelter two kids. I drink too much and don't have to worry about getting up and going to work. I mean, this is what I wanted to do when I was younger, except I had to be a responsible adult instead. I love my life right now. This is not a vacation.

Last edited by rllink; 09-30-2020 at 12:52 PM.
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