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Old 01-09-2018, 12:11 PM
jpd jpd is offline
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Originally Posted by ahorsewithnonam View Post
Patted her down, treated her like crap. She is little, 4-9, 110 lbs., brittle and poor hearing. Her and her other 86 year old blue haired great grandmother flew together. Couldn’t raise her arms high enough in the XRay thing, he kept yelling raise your arms higher. She has arthritis and can’t. Nor could she understand him very well. So he takes her out and pats her down. She is unstable on her feet and started to tip over, so her friend reached out for her arm. He yells, “you can’t touch her until I’m done!”

Yeah, she’s a real threat. You could blow on her and she would fall down. Ugh, so irritated.
That's beyond awful I traveled with a lady wheelchair-bound(quad)and had similar stuff seems that it all rests on which airport you are at.