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Old 10-31-2019, 11:32 AM
CoffeeFan CoffeeFan is offline
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 738

Originally Posted by fazool View Post
He now has a really good business job. Quite the professional in abilities still. Is this relevant or just a premise for "suspecting something" as you put it?
I'm just always wary of the opinions of those who, for whatever reason, feel justified in calling other people "clueless" or question their musical abilities just because they do things differently...

I am totally cool with biker bars and bikers - don't try to paint me as some sort of bigot or snob. My comment which you selectively disassembled was that he wants to play new-wave dance music in a biker bar. Wrong music for the wrong crowd. My statement stands,
I actually didn't disassemble anything, and I didn't try to paint you as being anything. I essentially agreed with the comment 100%.

I'm at a loss as to why you would be bothered by that...
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