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Old 01-15-2019, 09:56 AM
Paddy1951 Paddy1951 is offline
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If gluten sensitivity makes you sick, then it is a pretty real thing.

My wife is gluten sensitive and has difficulty. There may be those that jump on the trend of the week, but I believe it is a genuine problem.

The question is why has it become such an issue?
The answer, IMO, is that in the US we have allowed companies to mess with the food supply. Their motivations are always money.

I the EU, the policies are better. When in doubt, a substance is not allowed into the food supply.

You never heard of gluten issues in the USA back in the 40s and 50s. Why? Because farming was a straight ahead simpler endeavor. Now we have corporate farming and anything that makes more money is fair game.
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