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Old 02-07-2022, 12:56 PM
Gil Gil is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 82

This is a song I wrote with my grandparents in mind. They were first
generation immigrants and met and married in 1935. Had 8 children
and bought and paid off a nice house. They are both gone now and still
missed more than ever. Their house was so full of unconditional Love
that family and friends of family would always gather there and were
always welcomed and fed as everyone had a good time visiting. Not
surprising that so many people were drawn to their home. The light of
Love shined brightly there and people sensed that and wanted to be
close to it. The door was always open. We always just walked in and
were greeted warmly. We'll never forget them. What a great example
they were. They lived a simple uncomplicated hard working life and
they had Love until the end.
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