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Old 07-15-2018, 09:34 AM
Frank Ford Frank Ford is offline
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Originally Posted by redir View Post
How long are the pucks good for in the refrigerator? Or I'm guessing you never have to worry about that point...
The glue stays in the little cups, which are about half full, so a quick trip in the microwave is all it takes to heat one up. Floating in a cup of boiling water, it stays hot until I use it.

Freshness depends on how long they're in the bag because they can dry out slowly and require a bit more water. Hide glue is food, so mold can grow in a few weeks, more or less depending on production batch.

I've had some older hide glue of unknown manufacture that has lasted well over a year in the fridge without molding (may have had preservative added I suppose) while my best clear stuff from Milligan gets moldy in just a few weeks.

I don't freeze, just because I don't need to keep it for so long in the gel state, and because there's never room in the freezer.

Frank Ford
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