Thread: Who knew?
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Old 01-05-2018, 12:45 PM
Captain Jim Captain Jim is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Arizona (from island boy to desert dweller)
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After fussing with the Play Acoustic yesterday, I sat down to run through a few songs this morning. I try to pull out tunes that I haven't played in a while when I'm just practicing, and this one came up...

A very simple 3 chord song, fun to play, people enjoy it. Less than 45 minutes to tune up the bass and GSmini, record 4 tracks and mix it.

SoundCloud wants an image to go with each song. If you looked at the image from this one, that is a much younger version of yours truly. What's that? Haven't changed a bit? Nice of you to say... but if you look close, I'm wearing the hair a bit thinner and the torso a bit thicker.

And now, it's time to go play in the sunshine!