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Old 09-10-2015, 08:13 PM
AcousticDreams AcousticDreams is offline
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In this area, I really have no right to say one way or the other, As I am once again just a beginner and seeking your advice. My recording experience goes back to the early days of the 70's and 80's and even was limited. Regardless, I will throw in my two cents and say that I think that both of you have good points - both ways.
In the early days...I recorded in mono..well because..I only had One U87 at first. And it did work. But I always wanted more..which is typical of myself..always looking for the next hill to climb. And that is how new inventions & techniques get invented-by climbing that uncharted hill. So maybe mono works best in many situations..and maybe Stereo works best in others.
Basically, I have never believed in just one way. It may be that one way is the most sound and most practical, but one way never suits all situations, and one way never gets anything new discovered.
In many areas I have broken lots of rules..and the rewards were great..(but I will also admit...that breaking the rules cause me lots of frustration and years of sweat until I found the path the was right for me)
The best thing I can say...Is all of this discussion is nothing short of wonderful...your concepts, arguments bounce around my head back and forth...No he is right, No the other person is right..No...they are both right.
And that is a very good thing.
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