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Old 03-31-2020, 06:20 AM
varmonter varmonter is offline
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Default Video production newbie needs help.

Im trying to learn video production.
I purchased "Filmora pro" And was
able to sync my guitar
recording video up with my mandolin
video perfectly. Cool.
Our band is in self isolation with
all gigs cancelled. So i sent them
my guitar track and they in turn
are recording their parts. We are uploading these to google drive .
My first attempt to sync the bass
players track to mine is a disaster.
there is a place at the end where i do
a hamner on and i asked everyone
to hit that so i have a place to sync.
well if i get this perfect the bass track
sounds good for a bit around that
sync spot" but slowly drifts apart as
you get furthur away. its almost like
its compressed Vertically like an accordian not horizontally like a compressor does or an apple press.
I guess my question is .. does google
drive compress video ? And is there
a way to fix this. Im at a standstill
with this project if i cant get it to work.
thanks.. again im a real newbie to this.
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