Thread: Romana problems
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Old 04-20-2019, 11:13 AM
nightflight nightflight is offline
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Originally Posted by Barriosman View Post
I'm having such difficulty getting a clean barre on 7th fret with
Romanza. NONE of the tips on YouTube have helped.
I've tried everything. I can play a clean barre by itself, but
NOT in an actual piece. HELP-ANYONE!
Give yourself some time. I often start a piece and hit a spot where I think I will never get it. But over time, it falls into place. Practice barre chords for short periods of time - if you try to practice them for longer periods, you may cramp or tire and you're not doing yourself any good.

1. Make sure the joint of your finger is not right over the string... position your finger so you get the best coverage/pressure on the strings.

2. And yes, try rolling your finger slightly, so you are using more of the side. This can help avoid the problem in #1.

3. Use the weight of your arm to help hold the barre position.

You may find this page helpful:

If you are playing a barre chord... you really only need to barre the strings that are not covered by other fingers - so if you are doing an F chord, for example, the 1st, 2nd and 6th strings need to be clearly barred, but the 3rd, 4th and 5th strings are covered by other fingers.

Hope that helps.
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