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Old 06-28-2019, 03:16 PM
Rez Rez is offline
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Posts: 25

Originally Posted by Howard Emerson View Post
I think that playing the guitar, even as a beginner, should be exciting without a teacher.

You play piano already, so you possess a modicum of musicality. You must picture yourself playing guitar or you wouldn’t have gotten one.

I would ditch the lessons, but find bits and pieces on your own on the fingerboard. It will pay big dividends in the long run.

If you can find a ‘teacher’ who’s willing to show you stuff that YOU find exciting when you hear it, THAT will scratch your itch.

My guess is that the ‘adult’ in you wants organization, but the kid in you wants to rock & roll.

Just do it.

For what it’s worth, I’m self taught, dyslexic and ADD, and a pretty fair player & composer.

Howard Emerson
I've been thinking about this myself but I'm afraid I'd develop "bad habits". I've learned a few useful things from my teacher such as forming the chords from the "top" or practicing one piece at a time instead of going through the whole song at once.

But I think I may stop seeing him soon. That would test my commitment. I can then meet with an instructor from time to time to know better how I'm doing.
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