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Old 08-12-2010, 11:55 AM
oldhippiegal oldhippiegal is offline
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Default Recommended: Guitar Fretboard Workbook

by Tagliarino. I know that years ago, people recommended this here, but I wanted to add my recent experience. I've had this for maybe 10 days, and it makes a world of difference in knowing the fretboard. You have to think and draw and play to do the exercises, including exercises on counting up and down...but the odd thing is, you do that as instructed and a couple days later, you hit a random note, and you know what it is without thinking or counting anything. The shapes stay in your head (and I'm not the greatest visualizer of shapes in the world) but the instant recognition seems near magic to me. I'm only through Chapter 6, but it has already been worth the seven or eight dollars I paid for it.
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