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Old 02-09-2019, 08:32 PM
Captain Jim Captain Jim is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Arizona (from island boy to desert dweller)
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My daughter asked today if I would look at a guitar that one of her students will be using for the class - she said, "It looks like a toy, Dad." It is missing one string, and I told her I'd put a new set of strings on there if it will make the guitar better.

When I saw it... yep, it is a plastic toy. With steel strings. Purple, adorned with butterflies. I am not exaggerating: the strings were nearly 5/8 of an inch off the neck at the 5th fret. I had to tell her that strings were not going to make this toy playable. I tried to tune it up and couldn't get a playable chord out of it. No way would a small girl get anything but frustration trying to learn on this.

She asked if we could go to Guitar Center. I have to preface this with the fact that my sweet daughter is not a guitar player. She never had an interest. Doesn't care to be around boats, either. If you are wondering about a swap in the hospital nursery, she looks like a blend of my wife and me, with many of my traits. I love her passion.

We looked at a bunch of guitars today - I played them for her and gave her my impressions. Frankly, I played guitars that I wouldn't have given a second look at in my not so distant past. In the end, she liked the sound and look of a couple different Yamahas - one a parlor size, the other a Grand Concert size. I offered to pay for them, but she insisted that giving my time for the kids was more than necessary. This was out of her pocket. With the 20% off e-mail I had, it was just under $300. For two very decent guitars. I was actually quite impressed with the sound, set-up, and playability of the Yamahas. While she doesn't know anything about guitars, she put her finger on the strings of these and could see what I was talking about with these compared to that "toy" guitar. She and I had some discussion about the looks of the different guitars. She received some education today.

Added a package of picks. I'll bring a tuner, some extra strings, and some visual aids. I think we are ready for this first class on Monday. We'll see what the other kids bring in for guitars. And mostly what they bring for interest and passion.

Our son-in-law was fired up, too (he is also a teacher, at a different school in the same school district)... may be another budding guitar player in the family.

Volunteering in her class, I see the passion she has for not just teaching these kids, but helping them develop as people. No doubt I sound like a proud Daddy, but it is a treat to watch her work with "her kids."

Why else would I tell her "Sure," when she asked if I'd help with long division on Monday... after working with the kids on their Gravity Cruisers, and before the after-school guitar class?

"You know I'm retired, right?" "That doesn't mean I have unlimited time, it means I'm not supposed to be on someone else's schedule. Just saying."