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Old 02-08-2010, 01:14 PM
Herb Hunter Herb Hunter is offline
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Originally Posted by FingerPlucked View Post
Herb, you bring up some good points. Just one thing -- the Bose Compact is not a line array. The compact only has 6 speakers in the "stick", and no two of them are pointed in the same direction:

That's not to say that the Compact isn't a nice system, because it is. But if you want a Bose line array, you have to go with the L1 version I or II.
The L1 Model II has speakers mounted on alternating planes so if all the drivers have to be pointing in the same direction in order to be considered a true line array, then the Model II could not be considered one either. The Compact is a short array that exhibits a lower volume drop off with distance than a conventional speaker arrangement (though, obviously, not as gradual as the Model I or Model II). Because of that, I think it qualifies as a line array.