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Old 01-30-2022, 04:54 AM
Davis Webb Davis Webb is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Toronto
Posts: 4,387

There are interventions and time heals all approaches.

Interventions: What the doctor wants, makes sense, logic good, Tx are there. That is the pro. The con is risk of side effects, discomfort, anxiety and loss of a feeling of control.

Time Heals All: Can be risky but in my parents case, both of them ignored medical help. My father had a non Hodgkins lymphoma in his lungs and the urged Tx. He lost most use of his voice for 2 years. He refused to enter the medical game. His voice returned, lived until 87 and passed due to a fall, healthy otherwise.

My mother, multiple problems, prolapses, hyperthyroidism and then some. She ignored medical system entry and lived til over 90 when she died peacefully in her sleep from dementia..yes, its fatal.

I am tending more toward the time heals all. There are times, like during kidney stones when you need a bit of meds. But even then, time is healing all.

My fear is that health services for people over 65 are excessive and over medicated.

One friend went for a visit for a checkup, they found low iron. Gave her an Iron infusion IV that day. IV get infected, she reported it, this patient is 84. The nurse said, oh, thats just redness, that happens, its okay. It was infected. The infection spread to her heart. It damaged the valves from endocarditis. Now they wanted to do open heart surgery to repair the valves.

She said NO MORE, left their care and 5 years later is happy.

So after 65 medical solutions get pushed on us because we are falling apart. But in my experience, and I do work with seniors a lot in training and curriculum for that leaving them alone and making them pain free is core. The poking, prodding, excising, taking bloods, admissions....

Can be worse then the illness.

Do some of you agree with this?
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