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Old 03-17-2002, 01:56 AM
GordonHLau GordonHLau is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Orange County, CA
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Depending on what you need to do, resting the pinky on the soundboard is perfectly fine in my book. Obviously, if you are doing a tremolo, you can't rest the pinky but for rolls, using your pinky as an anchor can give you much better control and accuracy. I don't use my pinky as an anchor but I do use my ring finger as an anchor on the 1st string on some fast rolls that don't involve the 1st string. I also use the heal of my hand as an anchor on stuff that requires a lot of speed. On slow stuff and tremolo, I let my hand hover with no anchor.

BTW, Brad 'Buster' Jones rests his pinky on the soundboard just about all the time (even while his muting) and it doesn't seem to limit his amazing ability.

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