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Old 01-09-2021, 02:36 PM's Avatar is offline
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Join Date: May 2019
Location: Texas
Posts: 1,717

Oh, ouch! Sounds like you are in good hands (RN/MSN wife, too - planned well ahead ). Best wishes for [relatively] fast mending.

Anyway, a combined fall essentially shortened my parents' lives and ruined their last few years, so ever since then I have developed what I consider to be a healthy neurosis about falling. I do yoga regularly, being sure to include balancing poses.

And my # 1 and # 2 rules are:
1) ALWAYS look where you are going, and
2) Don't fall down! (Used to be #1 until I walked into something that could have turned out a lot worse than it did, plus the new #1 helps with #2...)
- corollary - use hand rails on stairs, and if possible have them on both sides of stairs in your house, especially poorly lit ones!

In addition I've tried really hard to stop doing things that simply add risk, e.g. I have decided that hiring someone to trim the trees is a lot cheaper than the downside of me falling down trying to save a few hundred $.

P.S. I guess you did get the recording done, though? Get paid enough to pay for your tylenol?
"I know in the morning that it's gonna be good, when I stick out my elbows and they don't bump wood." - Bill Kirchen
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