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Old 01-16-2019, 08:47 AM
ctvolfan ctvolfan is offline
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Location: Knoxville Tennessee
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Originally Posted by Goodallboy View Post
I can’t relate at all to your situation. Playing guitar is never out of my mind for long.
I live in TN, not geographically far removed from SC and can’t imagine 30% humidity. We also keep our house cool in the winter and don’t have our heat up so high it dries us or my guitars out. The humidity in our home stays between 45-55% year round.
Your “or not” comment regarding putting out the electric seems to reveal low motivation to play your guitars. Not to worry though, they’ll be safe in their cases until spring.
I live in Tennessee too, (East) and my humidity is about the same and I have had an all wood Taylor 214 for 13 years mostly on a stand and not in the case and never once humidified it and there are no cracks to be seen. I do however humidify my 714 but that is because I paid so much for it and after reading the horror stories of cracked guitars has me scared but honestly, I bet if I never humidified it then it would still be fine. But you can bet it gets played year round!
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