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Old 02-05-2020, 02:23 PM
rmp rmp is offline
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Originally Posted by BallisticSquid View Post
I used to play in the contemporary choir at my church (Catholic) and I can concur that it varies from parish to parish, from priest to priest, as to what is acceptable. In my parish for instance, the Music Director is very traditional and any non traditional hymns wouldn't be allowed.

I know the OP said he ran it by the wedding planner at the church, but I think it might be worth bringing it up to the priest performing the ceremony as well just to cover all of the bases.

Good luck!!

yes Same here. Our music director is pretty opened for suggestions and very easy to work with.

as long as they are in the realm. the OCP catalog is where 99% of the music comes from, and it is loaded with a lot of great contemporary christian music. Stay in those lanes and it's usually all good.