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Old 02-12-2019, 11:51 AM
Captain Jim Captain Jim is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Arizona (from island boy to desert dweller)
Posts: 6,973

Hi, Evan. If I had to use one word to describe myself it would be: a really sweet guy.

No idea if there are any singers in this group, but as it progresses, I hope to find out. There certainly are plenty of talkers.

"You think this is hard - you should try to learn clarinet!"

"Clarinet? That is nothing. My lips still hurt from playing trumpet!"

Me: "Less talking, more finger pressing."

I didn't tell them about my first electric guitar... "You think your fingers hurt playing that guitar? Why, back when I was your age..." Nope, I thought it, but I didn't say it. Restraint doesn't come easy for me.

You might want to go easy on that "sweet" talk - I have a reputation to uphold.