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Old 01-16-2020, 08:34 PM
Acoustic Wolf Acoustic Wolf is offline
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 48

Originally Posted by Charmed Life Picks View Post
Folks, I generally want to stay out of the way in this thread, as I'd prefer everyone to have a free hand in sharing their opinion openly.

However, I wanted to briefly comment on Allen's post.

Allen, I concur 100% with what you're saying here. As the only other company in the marketplace who has worked extensively with this material, I can confirm that BC is likely just squeaking by on their margins. To the best of my knowledge, DuPont Vespel is the single most expensive industrial plastic in the industry. It's absurb. And it's no picnic to machine, either.

Blue Chip has earned the legal right to protect their enterprise from competition. I'd be doing the same thing if our positions were reversed. No, they are not getting rich with that stuff, not at those prices. And I actually think this patent is good for all the high-end pick manufacturers, as it proves that what we're marketing is scientifically valid and demonstrably superior.

Thanks to everyone for their comments.

I guess the same kind of comment would apply to pharmaceutical drugs. Although there are drugs on the market available at the moment for exorbitant prices that alleviate a lot of disease, they are patented, so as to prevent other makers to offer generic versions at lower prices. Whilst such generic drugs would greatly benefit those who need them and cannot afford them, the original makers of those drugs have the right to profit from them.
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