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Old 06-02-2011, 10:28 AM
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Originally Posted by tammuz7000 View Post
I'm using OnSong as well. works great if you get it in the right format which is pretty simple but takes some time to figure out the correct formating. You can set the BPM of the song and it scrolls for you. Kind of like your own teleprompter.

Also it organizes your songs very well..
Hi tammuz…
As owner of OnSong, ForScore and UnrealBook - UnrealBook wins hands down for actual day-to-day use for me.

I don't want to auto scroll or auto-transpose charts. I just need an app to organize and display files and not freeze, or be hard to operate/navigate. I can literally give other players a 1 minute lesson and turn it over to them for gigs.

I threw 100 files into ForScore at once and it took over 25 minutes for it to format them. ForScore's tech department says that it's a weakness of the iPad that it cannot accept more than 30-40 files at a time, but UnrealBook's tech department warns that feeding it more than 200-300 at a time will slow it down.

I've dumped entire libraries into UnrealBook at once without incident, and then in real time use, it is much quicker to actually pull the choruses into a list and save the list to impliment later and to divert to other choices on the fly.

Also, I have a lot of files which have to be added or removed regularly (updated) for different settings (weekly announcements, notes for presentations, etc) and of the three programs listed, UnrealBook is by far the easiest to add or remove files to/from.

Both ForScore and UnrealBook can be operated by a bluetooth footswitch (wireless hands-free page switching). I don't use charts for live performance (just rehearsals) so that is not necessary for me, but if I wanted hands free page switching, that would be the way I'd go.

It's still relatively new technology, so I'm sure there will be even more score readers out there coming.


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