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Old 01-26-2022, 11:55 PM
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Doug Young Doug Young is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Mountain View, CA
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Well, the place most people place SBTs is on the bridge plate, directly under the saddle line. The problem with other locations tends to be that things are too variable as far as the vibrations. The guitar tends to feedback or just act differently at higher volumes with areas that have less predictable vibration. Putting the sensors on the saddle line tends to tame things somewhat, add more presence and some directness from the string vibration.

Placement tends to matter a lot with SBTs, and different locations sound different. So you might find other locations work for you, especially at lower volumes. If a location on the top as opposed to the soundboard sounds good to you, I'd imagine inside or outside wouldn't matter.

But do you really want disks glued or taped to your top, with wires running off of them visibly? How will you secure them so they don't pull off with the weight of a cable?
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