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Old 06-26-2019, 08:11 PM's Avatar is offline
Charter Member
Join Date: May 2019
Location: Texas
Posts: 1,717

What did you use to record this, and how/where was it recorded?

To my ear, the room intrudes quite a bit, which is fairly typical when you set up something at a distance to pick up both the guitar and vocal in a space that has some reflections that will also get picked up, i.e., it's either small or has a lot of hard surfaces, or both.

There are a lot of ways to skin this cat, so it's good to know where you are starting, and what you might be able to fix/change, rather than suggesting to do this or that, e.g., what I've done, which might not be reasonable, and might not sound any good to you, anyway!

P.S. That comment on your track has a scammer whiff about it - I'd ignore it, but that's me...
"I know in the morning that it's gonna be good, when I stick out my elbows and they don't bump wood." - Bill Kirchen
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