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Old 04-26-2017, 05:20 PM
Shaky Osmond Shaky Osmond is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 15

Three guitarists - a classical player, a rock player, and a Dobro player - were discussing whether it was better to have a wife or a girlfriend.

The classical player said a wife was better: "Marriage is time-honored - classic, if you will. You grow old together, like music that's passed the test of time - a wife is better than a girlfriend!"

The rock player disagreed: "No way - a girlfriend is better. So many to choose from on tour! Wouldn't one woman get boring? No, a girlfriend is better than a wife!"

The Dobro player said, "I think it's best to have a wife and a girlfriend".

The other two look at him in surprise.

The Dobro player explains, "You can tell your girlfriend you're going to be with your wife. You tell your wife you're going to be with your girlfriend. Then, you can lock yourself away and get some practice in!"

(That joke was adapted from one about a doctor, a lawyer and an engineer).
Q: Define an optimist.
A: A Dobro player carrying a beeper.

(That one was adapted from a joke about trombone players, who are similarly needled about the obscurity of their instrument. It also dates from another technology era.)
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