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Old 09-11-2022, 05:37 PM
turtlejimmy turtlejimmy is offline
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Originally Posted by Rudy4 View Post
I'm doing good to remember three verses and a chorus for anything these days.

Coincidentally, I was playing music with my partner yesterday and I pulled up "Lilly, Rosemary, and The Jack Of Hearts". It's the only thing in my lyrics binder that takes up THREE pages!

If you're a Dylan fan (or even if you're not...) I recommend pulling up the Youtube for "Murder Most Foul". There's no way any human being could recite that from memory!

Bob has admitted that he does occasionally use lyric sheets or Teleprompter now, though. Age eventually plays into the ability for any of us to recall copious amounts of lyrics at will.

And, then, when he feels like it, Dylan changes all the words. I've seen probably four or five entirely different versions of his song, "You Ain't Goin' Nowhere." That's the "Oooh eeee, ride me high, tomorrow's the day that my Bride's a gonna come" song. That part usually stays the same but the verses are all over the place. The one in the big book actually has the line, "Strap yourself to the tree with roots." (wth does that mean???).

He sold his song list recently for a whoppingly huge amount and I think he got so much money because he SOLD IT BY THE WORD.


Last edited by turtlejimmy; 09-11-2022 at 07:57 PM. Reason: spelling
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