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Old 01-28-2020, 09:25 AM
Daniel Grenier Daniel Grenier is offline
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Location: Linda Manzer lives here too.
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I have a passive tape-mounted HFN along with a Magnetic soundhole pick up in my 000-28. The HFN on its own is too bright/tinny and the Mag too bassy/muddy but I can EQ/blend the two and get what is (to me) a rather pleasing result.

However, the one major annoyance with the HFN is the outrageous string noise I get. It is much more prone to that than any other pickups I have tried (which is not that many but still...). My playing style is not conducive to string noise as I am ultra conscious and careful about it but the odd time a finger drag is inevitable or accidental, the results are very unpleasant (I truly dislike string noise in all forms!).

Has anyone else experienced this with their HFN? If so, is the putty mount less prone to string noise?
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